Fungus Prevention - Helpful Hints

Prevent Show Lamb Fungus Before It Starts

  • Stop-N-Grow  Feed all natural Stop-N-Grow fungus prevention feed additive and wool restorer. 
    This will help prevent fungus and ringworm by building immunity through the internal side of the lamb. A pellet organic  iodine and black walnut oil is easy to feed once a day as a top-dress. Lambs consume all the ingredients since it is in pellet form vs. picking through other granular additives.  (Contains black walnut oil.)  Start feeding when the lamb is 60 lbs or larger & feed “Stop-N-Grow” for at least 3-4 weeks to get ingredients in the lambs system to have an effect.


Additional Prevention Procedures At Home

  • LimePlus Dip & Ring-Out Concentrate
    Use on your animals once a week in barn with sulfur LimePlus Dip.  Rinse to help prevent or kill show lamb fungus on the external skin of the lamb.  This is the most effective product we have found to work for killing show lamb fungus.


Additional Prevention When Going To Open or Jackpot Shows

  • Ring-Out Shampoo & Ring Out Concentrate: 
    After a show or when you're ready to load your lambs to leave, wash lamb with Ring-Out Shampoo    and then immediately take lambs to your trailer and spray with Ring-Out Concentrate.  This is the most effective product we have found to work for killing show lamb fungus.


Prevention For Pens, Trailers, and Equipment

  • LimePlus Dip & Ring-Out Concentrate:  
    Rinse or spray LimeDip Plus or Ring-Out Concentrate on lambs, pens, equipment, trailers, or anyplace your lamb may come in contact with.  These are the most effective products we have found for killing show lamb fungus. 


Treatment of Show Lamb Fungus on Lambs

When active show lamb fungus is noticed treatment should be as follows:   Kill fungus and get the surface of the skin to heal and grow hair where the fungus was located.  

  • LimePlus Dip & Ring-Out Concentrate:  

    There are many ways to kill show lamb fungus.  The first option to kill show lamb fungus is to use sulfur LimePlus Dip concentrate, and Ring-Out Concentrate. Spray directly onto the open sore.



All of the above products have been tested and used successfully by our Show Stopper Equipment staff.  Following our complete package program will help keep your lambs in the show ring during your show season. If you have any questions please give us a call at Show Stopper Equipment (641) 636-2259.  Good Luck in the Show Ring This Season!

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